We understand your challenges regarding data analysis, financial instrument valuation, modelling, signal or trend prediction or detection. We work with you to help minimise your emotional bias in decision-making. There is seamless collaboration between our quantitative analysts and our risk management, investment and ICT specialists.
Data Science
Data is now at the core of your strategy. We help you set up a data repository and derive the most relevant information possible from it. We will ensure that your data is at your fingertips.
Modelling and Model Calibration
We work with you to setup and calibrate your models to deal with your issues regarding pricing, market expectations and signal detection. We can implement all your simulations.
Financial Instrument Valuation
We provide you financial instrument valuation solutions (multi-asset class, derivative or structured) using the most suitable models, numerical methods, technologies and tools.
Decision Support Tools
We help you to make quick and informed decisions by providing the most relevant decision support solutions for your business. We rely on numerical and optimisation methods, statistical, econometric, probabilistic models as well as on the full range of quantitative and IT tools.
We perform back-testing on all your investment strategies and risk indicators.